In episode 37 of Conversations with Karen and Cat, we sit down with Zeus Luby. Zeus is the Programming Director for RED Inc. (Rehabilitation Enables Dreams) His role is to establish a foundational bond with each program participant which facilitates their trust in RED’s intent and the program’s curriculum. That trust is critically important and rooted in relatability. Mr.Luby cultivates that relatability by sharing his harrowing story of false accusations, living as a convicted felon, police brutality, near death encounters, and facing 20 years in prison. He also shares his journey of evolution and growth, detailing how his daughter saved him from his dismal past and fueled him to become the man he is today.
RED creates a classroom atmosphere inside the courtroom and treats program participants as students rather than criminals. RED’s curriculum is structured to develop a student’s social, civic, and financial literacy through task-oriented learning, engaging workshops, and interactive educational modules. Students are paired with appropriate mentors based on our individual-needs intake assessment. Mentors support students in their personal development and guide them in the completion of program requirements. Upon graduation, students’ records are expunged and they are referred to higher education institutions and/or employment opportunities.
To learn more about Red, Inc, contact Zeus Luby at
IG: ZeusLuby
FB: Zeus.Luby
Linked In: Zeus Luby