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Help Save the Promised Land

Promised Land - Lake Sheryl

Learn more about the Promised Land and Chad Livesy

The Promised Land Community is home to this 7-acre lakefront venue owned by the Livsey Family. This land was purchased over 100 years ago and once owned by an Irish immigrant in the 1800s whose published journal followed the daily happenings of the former slave plantation, including the development of the Civil War.

In the 1970s, Thomas & Dorethia Livsey built The Promised Land into a town. It was the Black Main Street of Gwinnett County and included housing and staple businesses like a car wash, grocery store, and even a gas station. Today, the town now includes Anderson-Livsey Elementary School.

Lake Sheryl, although best known for hosting festivals and outdoor weddings, is a serene getaway from the city featuring an organic farm and coffee shop. It is the official gathering spot for the Livsey family and members of The Promised Land Community.

In early April 2023, the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners announced that it was using eminent domain to take the lake and surrounding property owned by the Livsey family. The county has plans to use the property as a park. However, the community rallied together, contacting local media and district commissioners to express their outrage over the county's use of force to take this historic and important property. Two days later the board stated that "...while no decision has been made, we are not in favor of any legal process that hinders the legacy or wishes of the Livsey family." The board will not be taking action on the eminent domain resolution on April 25th.

Although the matter has been removed from the April agenda, the fight is not over. The county has not abandoned its plans to create a park on this property. Nothing is preventing the board from bringing this matter up at a later date.

How can you help? Show your support for the Livsey family by donating to this campaign to assist with legal fees and the continued restoration of the Lake Sheryl- Promiseland area.

Donate via Gofund.me