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Oct. 21, 2023

Karen and Cat talk municipal races!

Karen and Cat discuss local Georgia municipal races with candidates Yoon Mi Hampton, Solange Destang and Erica Pope. Yoon Mi Hampton is a current member of the Lilburn City Council seeking reelection. To contact Councilwoman Hampton, you may reach her at https://yoonmihampton.com.

Solange Destang, currently sits on the Snellville City Council, Post 2, and is the first black woman to do so. You can find out more about Councilwoman Destang by going to https://electsolangedestang.com/

Erica Pope is running for a seat on the Dacula City Council. You may reach Erica at hopewithpope.org, on IG @hopewithpope_

Catherine 'Cat' Hardwick rounds out the panel as a candidate for Snellville City Council, Post 1. You can learn more about her campaign at electcat.com, IG and Tiktok @electcatherine

Early voting for municipal races started on Monday, October 16 and ending Friday, November 3. Election day is Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Check with your municipality for polling locations, hours and weekend dates.


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